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Addi Accessories: HeartStoppers, Row Counters, Cables...
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Interchangeable cord with the Addi Click System.
Due to many customer requests, the HeartStopper was developed for the addiClick system. Now you can do Tunisian crocheting no problem with crochet hooks. Or, you can "park" a knit piece on an addi cord. 2 pieces.
Addi Needle Gauge
When clicked onto the addi cord, it prevents the knitted piece from sliding down on the circular knitting needle. The set includes two pieces each of the three sizes - which fit with the original addi cords.
Set of 6 lovely stitch markers
Addi stitch counter guide for knitting with needle view sizer.
8 helpers to keet the stitches on the needles.
2 Rotally Addi